Monday, January 28, 2008

Are you Anti-Aging proof?

Today was my grandmother's 86th birthday. I love to spend time with her and my grandpa so I baked up a birthday cake, loaded up my two girls and went to visit with them. We had a lovely birthday party. My grandmother said "I will always remember my 86th birthday!"

Tonight when I was tucking my 4 year old daughter into bed she asked me if I was going to get old like Grandma. (Grandma has white hair, a hard time walking and shows that she has worked hard in her 86 years.)

To her question I naturally replied, "yes, someday." I was shocked when she started to cry. "I don't want you to get old like Grandma." I tried to reassure her that it would be many years from now and she would be lots older when I was old.

She started to cry even more. "Mommy I don't want you to get old." It really touched my heart that she even would ask about this. She knows Grandma has a hard time just getting around and doing her daily activities. She did not want the same for me.

Being the health conscious mom I told my daughter she would have to help me with my anti-aging. She would have to remind me to eat healthy foods and exercise everyday. She was very willing to be my helper in that area.

Even though I have not reached the age of thirty yet, I realize how important it is to make healthy choices. This was prompted by a serious medical condition I faced in my early twenties. In the ant-aging process we must start as young as possible. The decisions we make every day affect the way we age.

Take control of your life today and make a healthy decision. The age you look depends on it!

My daughter said to me as I left her bedroom tonight, "Mommy I want you to stay young forever!" I believe we all hold this hope in our heart. It is time we take our age into our own hands and start taking care of ourselves.

Your health will improve with even a modest change in your lifestyle. What will you change today?

Live Great,
Mary T

Check out how I went from a fatigued frequent doctor visitor to a vibrant, felt like I was 15 again woman!

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