Monday, January 28, 2008

Are you Anti-Aging proof?

Today was my grandmother's 86th birthday. I love to spend time with her and my grandpa so I baked up a birthday cake, loaded up my two girls and went to visit with them. We had a lovely birthday party. My grandmother said "I will always remember my 86th birthday!"

Tonight when I was tucking my 4 year old daughter into bed she asked me if I was going to get old like Grandma. (Grandma has white hair, a hard time walking and shows that she has worked hard in her 86 years.)

To her question I naturally replied, "yes, someday." I was shocked when she started to cry. "I don't want you to get old like Grandma." I tried to reassure her that it would be many years from now and she would be lots older when I was old.

She started to cry even more. "Mommy I don't want you to get old." It really touched my heart that she even would ask about this. She knows Grandma has a hard time just getting around and doing her daily activities. She did not want the same for me.

Being the health conscious mom I told my daughter she would have to help me with my anti-aging. She would have to remind me to eat healthy foods and exercise everyday. She was very willing to be my helper in that area.

Even though I have not reached the age of thirty yet, I realize how important it is to make healthy choices. This was prompted by a serious medical condition I faced in my early twenties. In the ant-aging process we must start as young as possible. The decisions we make every day affect the way we age.

Take control of your life today and make a healthy decision. The age you look depends on it!

My daughter said to me as I left her bedroom tonight, "Mommy I want you to stay young forever!" I believe we all hold this hope in our heart. It is time we take our age into our own hands and start taking care of ourselves.

Your health will improve with even a modest change in your lifestyle. What will you change today?

Live Great,
Mary T

Check out how I went from a fatigued frequent doctor visitor to a vibrant, felt like I was 15 again woman!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Grow Your Wellness Network Marketing Business Faster!

Copyright © Mary Thayer

When you got started in your wellness network marketing business you probably wanted to try the products first. Your sponsor probably told you about the amazing results they had using the wellness products. Like most, you probably are or were facing some sort of healthcare challenge. It is true that we are in a health crisis. People are getting sicker everyday at a younger and younger age. Our country’s report card on health is an F all the way when you compare it to the cost of healthcare! With the health of our country in such shambles it would seem that wellness network marketers would have an endless amount of prospects just waiting for them to tell them how to get healthy. It is true that the market for wellness products is vast but the type of prospect you are looking for to grow your wellness network marketing business is different than you might think.

Do you talk to unhealthy prospects first?

Many wellness network marketers write down a list of their sick friends to tell them about their new wellness product that will change their life. The problem with focusing on sickness is that now your prospect wants you to be a doctor. They say things like, “I have this, what should I take, or what kind of results have people with this kind of illness had.” These types of issues force you to take a role you are not trained to handle. These are questions for a healthcare provider not a wellness network marketer. This can also become a legal issue for the company you represent if you start acting out of your realm. These people do probably need your products but do not target them, let them come to you first.

So if you don’t target sick people who do you talk to?

A better prospect for the wellness network marketer is a health conscious consumer who is always trying to improve their health. These are the people that with a little education can see why they need the product and they become your loyal and faithful customers. Some of them even go on to share the products with other people to start growing a business. Even though the health conscious person is better to prospect than the sick person they are not the best prospect out there.

There is an even better prospect out there to help you build your wellness network marketing business faster and stronger!

The best prospect to build your wellness network marketing business is the opportunity seeker. That is an individual who is looking for an opportunity to start a business of their own. You may be asking, “Why is the best prospect for wellness network marketing an opportunity seeker?” The reason the business opportunity seeker is the better prospect is because they are looking to build a business. It doesn’t matter the product, the opportunity seeker’s main focus is to build a business. If they become a wellness network marketer the best choice for them would be to use the wellness company’s product that they are representing. If it is a serious prospect they will want their own product experience anyway. If you would like more information on how to grow your wellness network marketing business, click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Visit the resources below to learn more:

“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time Who Ask You How They Can Join Your Network Marketing Business!”

Monday, January 7, 2008

5 Easy Ways to Live Healthier

These are 5 very easy and basic ways to improve your health in 2008!

1. Eat more fruits and veggies.

You are what you eat so does that make you a Big Mac or a salad? One very simple and inexpensive way to live healthier is to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. Take some time each day to plan how you can eat more fruits and veggies.

There are many labeling tactics out there that call juice or some other non-fruit or vegetable a serving of fruit or vegetables. Try to eat half or all of your five servings of fruits and vegetables in their most natural form: raw. In the winter it can be challenging to eat raw fruits and vegetables so buy the least processed form from the store. Frozen fruits and vegetables usually are picked vine ripened and they have the least amount of processing compared to canned produce.

2. Stop drinking pop.

This really is a no-brainer. Pop has no nutritional value. It has no hydrating power and can actually dehydrate you worse. Pop also contains phosphorus which is known to leach calcium from our bones. This is a hard feat for those that are addicted. Start adding more water into your day. Instead of drinking a can of pop drink 12 ounces of water. You will notice quickly an increase of energy and vitality from the increased amount of water in your diet!

3. Exercise.

Exercise is a common sense approach to a healthier life. Add two and a half hours of exercise a week to your life to improve your health. What is the best way to exercise? This is very individual. If you like to walk, call your friend and get out and walk in the fresh air. Go play actively outside with your kids for thirty minutes. The ideas are endless and so are the benefits from a regular exercise program!

4. Manage your weight.

Managing your weight is easier said than done. Start with small goals. You will notice a change in how your pants fit after losing just five pounds. Small goals add up and begin to equal big goals. Make a commitment this year to lose ten pounds. Ten pounds may not seem like much but if you do this consistently for 5 years you will weigh 50 pounds less! If you are at a healthy weight, work hard to maintain it. Your health depends on it!

5. Modest change.

Research shows that even a modest change can result in measurable improvement in health. These are five ways that anyone can improve their health. Start today living healthier and make it a life long habit!