Friday, May 16, 2008

Quote for the Day

This quote is very inspiring so I wanted to share it with you:

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take some time today to improve yourself!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Spring!

The title is my effort to be positive in one of the coldest Minnesota Springs in my memory! Today the temperature was in the 40's with a very cold wind. On a brighter note the grass is starting to get green!

As the due date of my third child approaches I find I am making less time to post. It is really because I am taking more time to take care of myself. If I am truly going to make wellness my choice I need to remember that every little choice I make can affect my wellness in the long run!

With this in mind I recommend to anyone who wants to improve their life in any way to read The Slight Edge: The Secret to a Successful Life. This is an incredible book that should be required for every human being to read. If you take time to read it let me know what you think!

Live Great!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Interesting Skincare Information

Here's interesting news about organic skin care products.

Carcinogens Found in "Organic" Personal Care Products
A new study commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA)
found that many leading "natural" and "organic" brand shampoos, body
washes, and lotions contain the carcinogenic contaminant 1,4-Dioxane.

1,4-Dioxane is considered a chemical "known to the State of California
to cause cancer."
It is a byproduct of the cancer-causing petrochemical
Ethylene Oxide, which is used as part of a short-cut process called
Ethoxylation, which makes harsh ingredients milder.
1,4-Dioxane is also suspected of being a kidney toxicant, neurotoxicant
and respiratory toxicant, among others, according to the California EPA.
It is also a leading groundwater contaminant.
Some of the leading organic and natural brands found to contain
1,4-Dioxane include:
* JASON Pure Natural & Organics
* Giovanni Organic Cosmetics
* Kiss My Face
* Nature's Gate Organics
To avoid 1,4-dioxane, OCA recommends reading ingredient labels and
avoiding products with indications of ethoxylation, which include:
"myreth," "oleth," "laureth," "ceteareth," any other "eth," "PEG,"
"polyethylene," "polyethylene glycol," "polyoxyethylene," or "oxynol,"
in ingredient names.
Sources: Organic Consumers Association March 14, 2008

If you want more information about how to get skincare without these harmful ingredients check out the resources on the side of my blog.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Do You Need to Supplement with a Vitamin and Mineral or is it Just Expensive Waste?

If you have not noticed the health supplement industry is booming. Top economists are calling the wellness industry the next trillion dollar industry. All around us we are surrounded by advertisements of various supplements. There are an overwhelming number of choices. Do you really need to supplement your diet?

Yes, if you want to have a long healthy life you must supplement your diet! You have probably heard doctors tell you that supplements are expensive pee. It is hard to believe but some doctors still believe that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you would think a doctor would know the truth about nutrition.

The truth is our soil is more depleted than ever in history. This means all produce is lacking in vitamins and minerals. Even if we ate the USDA recommended 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day we would still be lacking. The produce is that depleted!

It is probably safe to say over 99% of the population does not even get half of this recommendation in a day. The North American diet is full of processed foods, fast foods, and chemicals. Our body is on overdrive trying to get rid of the bad stuff without ever getting the appropriate amount of nutrients it needs. This leads to even more depletion in our bodies.

The next reason we must supplement is because of green harvesting. Most fruits and vegetables are harvested green so they can be ripe on the shelves. This depletes them of all the phyto-chemicals they would have gotten if they were ripened on the vine.

The fact is that even the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) has reported the need, not the choice, of, at the very least a vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet.

Quality is very important when supplementing your diet. It is important to educate yourself on what kind of supplement is the best for your body. To start your supplementation program it is very important to use a good whole food vitamin and mineral supplement. When I say whole food I mean that the ingredients come from food and not synthetic chemicals.

There are many more whole food vitamins available than minerals. Most natural mineral supplements are actually very small rocks. Some are even in liquid form claiming the body is able to absorb them. The truth is a rock is a rock. Our bodies were not designed to absorb rocks. A mineral must first be absorbed by a plant before our body is able to utilize it and all its benefits.

If you still think you are exempt from at least a vitamin and mineral supplement you have probably never experienced a major illness. It is true that most people have to have their health taken away before they start taking responsibility for it. That is just part of the hard knock theory of life.

If you are a person that can learn from other people's mistakes take a close look around you. You will find in the news that illness and disease is rampant. Fifty years ago there were only a handful of auto-immune diseases. Today there are over 80 identified with many more people that doctors do not know what to call what they have.

Sometimes the "Yeah but people are living longer than ever" objection comes up. The truth is that people are actually dying longer than ever, living their life in constant pain and illness. If you would like to find out how you can improve your health and not become a sickness victim, click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer is an Ezine expert author who is passionate about health and wellness and helping others achieve better health. Visit to learn how to Look Good, Feel Good, and Live Well!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wellness Solutions.......

This past weekend I had the incredible opportunity to attend my first International event for the wellness company I am associated with. It was an incredible experience to be surrounded by like minded people from all over the world. Attendees were from the USA, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

The Wellness Industry is growing daily and is predicted by top economists to be the next trillion dollar industry! This is not because of government funding or any other source than pure unadulterated demand! People are desperately looking for wellness solutions!

Wellness is really all about value. It is always most important to focus on quality. Always focusing on what difference it makes in the consumers life. This is what this company focuses on. They bring technologies that bring more value to people than anything else on the market!

Honestly how many company's have a Chief Science Officer that is the head of research and development? Every product that we bring to you has went through a vigorous five step process to make sure it is the best it can be. It is then constantly monitored for how it can be improved in any way.

We offer solutions in:
Weight and Fitness,

What is your area of greatest need?

Are you satisfied with your current level of health or are you just settling for what you have?

If you want to take control of your life start today. Free access here!

Do not wait to take your health seriously until it is compromised. Act today so you can live great tomorrow!

Mary T

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Glyconutrients - What Are Glyconutrients and What Do They Have To Do With Health?

It seems that there are so many health supplements available in the market today. One of the newest kids on the block is glyconutrients. What are these nutrients and what do they have to do with good health?

Glyconutrients are not a drug. They are not a vitamin, mineral, herb, or homeopathic remedy. They are a nutrient of their own kind. They are not really something that should be considered a discovery but rather an awakening. They have been around since the beginning of time. It just took technology to find out what the applications for these very important nutrients are.

Glyco comes from a Greek word meaning sweetness. So Glyconutrient means sugar nutrient. Do not be fooled by the sweet name. These nutrients are not like table sugar which is also referred to as sucrose. We all know that too much of this kind of sugar leads to many health problems. Problems like stressing out the pancreas, ruining teeth, leading to obesity and literally starving the body.

Glyconutrients are made up of plant saccharides (sugars). They are not sweet like sucrose. This is going to get a little scientific but hang on while I try to describe it to you in simple terms. It has been discovered that these simple sugars combine in the body with different substances. They especially combine with proteins and lipids. When they form with proteins they make a glycoprotein. These glycoproteins are now known to be critical for all cell-to-cell communication.

There are actually over 200 of these simple sugars known in nature. Only eight of these are commonly found in the sugar chains of glycoproteins. The names of the eight known necessary sugars are: glucose, galactose, fucose, mannose, xylose, n-acetylglucosamine, n-acetylgalactosamine, and n-acetylneuraminic acid.

Rather than going into anymore scientific information let's look at what this means in your body. Glyconutrients have been discovered to facilitate cell-to-cell communication. Our cells are in constant communication on a daily basis. Disease actually begins as a miss communication with our cells or no communication at all. The bottom line is if we have healthy cells, they then make up healthy tissues, to healthy organs, to healthy systems.

Healthy cells = Healthy Tissues = Healthy Organs = Healthy Systems = Healthy You!

So why do we need to supplement with these nutrients?

As most health conscious people know our food is now what it used to be. Soil is now more depleted of nutrients than ever. Green harvesting is done so our fruits and vegetables ripen on the grocery shelf rather than the vine. Many of the most important nutrients in our produce come from the vine in the ripening process. Over processed food also contributes greatly to our nutrient-deficient food.

The truth is our body can actually make all of the eight necessary glyconutrients. Problem is this is supposed to be a back up system, not the primary system. Our food has changed so much, even in the last 50 years, that we only get maybe 2 out of the 8 necessary sugars in our modern diets. If you need proof that our diets are lacking something look around you. It is very evident that people are getting sicker and sicker, at younger and younger ages. Just read a magazine or watch the news to confirm that statement!

So how will glyconutrients improve our health?

At one time in our history Scurvy was known as a very horrible disease. Then one day someone discovered it was simply a vitamin C deficit. It seemed miraculous when those suffering a horrible disease were given the nutrient they needed and they got better.

The most important nutrient in our diet is always the one that is missing!

You may ask yourself if these nutrients are so great why doesn't my doctor know about them. The truth is doctor's study and practice medicine not nutrition! Remember that glyconutrients are not a medicine they are literally a food!

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, have tried many supplements without any real improvement it is time to look at what may be missing! If you would like more information about glyconutrients, click on the link in the resource box to get more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer is passionate about wellness and health promotion. Learn the secret to how she went from a sick and tired frequent doctor visitor, to a vibrant, full of energy, and happy woman!

Visit to learn how to Look Good, Feel Good, and Live Well!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wellness is Greater Than Physical Health.....

Sometimes it is easy to focus exclusively on physical wellness. The truth is we are all more than that. Our emotional, social, and spiritual health are all as important as our physical health. In fact these three factors can greatly affect our physical well-being!

What have you done today to nourish your emotional, social, and spiritual health?

Take some time today to feed one or all of these needs.

Call a friend you have not talked to in awhile.

Read the bible or a devotional.

Read an uplifting book.

Make sure it is something that makes you feel good.

Live Great!

Mary T